Boost Business Performance
Over the last few years, Clémence Business Consulting has helped a number of large companies improve their performance.
What's complicated?
Today the challenges are numerous and important: CSR, inflation, energy transition, competition, crises…
Your business has its specificities. Taking these into account, with all their heterogeneity: for example in terms of positioning on different markets, operational models and data; as well as the human dimension are key.
Your business is transforming
Depending on the strategic objective, for example external growth, organic growth or sustainable performance, transformation takes different forms: mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, transformation of organizations; but also innovation, modernization of solutions, Artificial Intelligence & data.
Our expertise
By understanding the issues present at the different levels of the company, by working with the Management Committee and also by integrating feedback from the field, we help you to frame your initiatives and promote the move to action and the membership.
Transformations decided at the strategic level can be complex to implement operationally and leave traces. To help you pragmatically, for example by finding “early adopters” who will be the torchbearers of the transformation: we are here.
We could help you thanks to our know-how in management consulting, our sectoral and functional expertises: Marketing & Sales, Finance & Purchasing, Operations; as well as the quality of our support for management communication and management (PMO) to support your changes, from the operational framing of your project to its implementation.
How is it useful?
Our objective is to help the Management Committee to frame, describe and communicate its challenges and its vision, to create a community of peers between the directors and managers who are the real relays of the transformation and to equip the implementation ( communication kit, methodology, reporting, etc.)
We proceed through individual interviews and co-development workshops to share feedback and best practices and run the necessary seminars at each stage. We view transformation in its strategic dimension but also as a stage in the career of each director and manager: a human and professional adventure where it is crucial to identify areas of pain and share nuggets from the field to succeed.
Our approach aims to avoid generating the feeling that “everything has already been thought of at a global level”, not forgetting anything, taking into account heterogeneity and feedback from the field and piloting.
Allons plus loin : our objective is also to bring concrete results, sustainable and tangible operational performance. Some “Success Stories” that we have experienced with our clients:
Rapid improvement of the visibility of General Management thanks to data disseminated throughout the company,
Generation of profitable business opportunities,
Increased conversion rate of marketing leads into sales,
Sales KPI and business review,
Change of business model to move towards SaaS,
Efficiency of the CRM-Invoicing-ERP chain,
Cash collection efficiency (improvement of DSO)
Effectiveness of management control and improvement of the profitability of operations
Quality of service and compliance with SLAs…